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November's Reading: Training Co-Creation and manifestation.

The Empower Yourself Project - November 2017 Reading

November starts with a bright full moon on the 4th and you may feel physically tired and run down, sleep will be difficult to reconcile and daily tasks may seem more difficult to complete than at other times. Concentration and focus will be really troublesome, your mind will feel foggy and spacey, intellectual work will feel like a monumental task. This strong, draining energy will naturally give rise to some physical exhaustion and weakness that may even lead to somewhat more complicated states of physical distress.

But the moon may not be the sole culprit for this frailty, an underlying trigger related to old issues or patterns may arise again at this time by the hand of a new situation. This will add some strain to this period and can even end up by somatizing into your body as an illness, a cold, a migraine or even something slightly more complicated. If this kind of issue arises leading to the full moon, you may feel totally consumed and prostrated by then. However, as the full moon on November 4th approaches it’s peak, the fogginess and distress will slowly start to vanish giving way to a more peaceful period. Clarity will progressively expand as the month develops and an opportunity for a new awareness will present itself.

The advice for this first quarter of the month is to keep your head together, relax and ask for the help you need. This is a time to co-create by joining forces with the Divine. Ask for the healing and dissolution of whatever issue is troubling you at this time, be it an old pattern or something simpler. Remember that the Divine can be expressed through many different names, it doesn’t matter whom you ask for help and co-create with, that is up to you entirely, as all are different expressions of the same transcendental energy. A surrendering is absolutely needed during this period, therefore fighting or struggling with any challenge will not help, simply ask for help and let go.

By the second quarter of this first half month period we’ll move our attention towards a greater understanding of what we’ve been dealing with lately. Our own responsability in the matter will became clearer and a new way of thinking and doing things may pop up as we surrender to what is. As the moon wanes so will all the things that need to go so to give room to what needs to arise now. Action, assertiveness and pragmatism are advised at this time.

The Empower Yourself Project - November 2017 Reading

What you have asked for will manifest but do not forget that co-creation to be effective implies two active parts: the Divine and you. So as the the Divine aligns all there is, so that what needs resolution may be pushed forward with determination, use this harmonizing energy to do your part. Do whatever needs to do be done with, calm, integrity and assertiveness.

Use your rational mind’s powers and ability as your mind will be a powerful ally at this time! Discipline yourself and use your mind to your advantage. Rest assured that the Divine is by your side, backing you all the way, you are not alone. Also, remember that when relevant and useful to your soul's journey, very small actions can create big changes as they’ll greatly affect the whole energy of any given situation by imposing movement to it. An energetic hurricane can be created from almost nothing. Engage in small actions that you truly believe to be important and can create change.

By the 3rd quarter of the month you just need to wind down, listen and trust with your whole heart that what you requested has been taken into account by the Divine and is being taken good care of. Do not worry about when or how what you asked for, and are actively working towards to, will manifest, just trust that what you asked for will be delivered at the right time.

Listen to your heart as it aligns with the Divine assuring you that everything is cared for and the how and when is not important. What is important now is to go into a peaceful space of quietness and silence so to be able to hear this divine song of completion being sang inside your whole being. As the Hermit retreats into wise solitude longing for restoration and Divine guidance, also should you. You do need stillness so to be able to listen to what is being said to you, so set some time aside and create a space of quietness, solitude and silence. Listen closely.

The Empower Yourself Project - November 2017 Reading

By the last quarter of the month you just need to know that the situation you've been dealing with, as nasty as it may have felt, was in fact a blessing in disguise. It was all Divine design and the experience you needed. Again it will all make profound sense at due time, if it doesn’t already. It all came for a reason and purpose as it will lead, to fundamental understandings about yourself and your life. This was exactly the motivation you needed to move forward and it was meant to be, as it is part of your life learnings.

All that this experience encompasses will also help you start to envision where it all fits into the bigger picture that is your Soul’s journey, a journey expressed through time and space, past, present and future. Ours is a holistic journey, a million tiny pieces that fit into just one picture, you and the Divine as one. In this last quarter trust is asked of you, trust in the power of Divine design and co-creation, know that it will all fit perfectly into the puzzle and manifestation will surely happen.

November is a month to get closer to the Divine and to co-create with it, you will be required to keep this connection intimate, alive, strong and unbreakable. It is this devoted connection that will allow you to co-create with the Divine and therefore manifestation to occur. November asks that you engage in a committed "training" of your connection to the Divine and power to co-create with it. This is a month to exercise your ability to surrender and keep yourself together through this spiritual relationship.

This is not a month for matter but for spirit. Finding joy even amidst troubled moments will be accomplished by this connection to your soul and to what it awes at. This is month for discipline, surrender and trust . Allow yourself to sink into this wonderful ethereal moment. All is well and all is right where it should be.

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