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October's Tarot Reading: Brace Yourself!

The Empower Yoursef Project's Octuber 2017 Tarot Reading

October comes with a sassy, provocative and bold energy, so unorthodox and wild that will probably flip you upside down! This is a month for breaking patterns and chains, whatever they are, whatever their reason to exist, it’s time to tear down all that attaches you to unhappiness and unfulfillment.

You will find an explosive inner-energy that speaks to the heart, both feminine and masculine, sweet and strong, compassionate and powerful. This energy, that will go through you like a lightning bolt, may overwhelm you, even overthrow you entirely, but just for a moment as you will be on your feet as quickly and you went down, ready to acknowledge and surrender to it’s power.

Ready to open your arms, heart and spirit to what you truly need and deserve.

October will feel like being passionately in love, but only for yourself and life, next month will be solely about you, about freeing yourself to fulfil your purpose. This energy speaks of falling in love again with life and to course correct your life so to, again, be aligned with who you truly are.

This transformational energy will be strongly felt in your hear area, your heart chakra, and goodness, this energy is not for the faint of heart! Breath slowly and deeply, smile, and everything will be just fine!

This is the month when you’ll know for sure that you are ready to take this next step, breaking the chains of stagnation and procrastination. You will feel ready. The cages other devised for us all as a society, are not meant for you and you know it.

On the days leading up to October 5th’s Full Moon you will start feeling the growth of this energy, getting stronger and stronger. As you get closer to the Full Moon you will feel some unrest unfold that will permeate your whole being. By the 5th of October you’ll be howling at the moon!!!

This energy will make you feel alive, you will clearly feel, what is, or is not, for you. The downside is that such strong, fiery and electrifying burst of energy flowing throughout your whole being will create some restlessness. Sleep and rest may prove to be difficult specially the week before and after this next Full Moon. You also may have some difficulty focusing in tasks that require greater concentration as you’ll just want to go outside and get active.

This will be a good moment to start any activity that requires some physical exertion, whether it’s going back to a regular physical exercise routine, to make those long awaited home renovations or decoration, finally start your dreamt veggie garden or go on that trip to Tibete that’ll make you hike like crazy.

In order to maintain your energy and sanity at healthy levels, you really must channel it to some physical activity as this will help you to not get excessively overwhelmed, tired and emotionally unbalanced.

Another downside to October’s energy is that you may get too ungrounded in reality and lose sight of important matters. Although you’ll be feeling daring, audacious and somewhat wild, you must not forget that whatever the path, whatever the transformation, there’s always hard work associated to it. A change in path, even if a small one, can create a world of difference and manifest in truly different ways. Whatever you start creating today will fully manifest in your future so like in any path, careful long-term planning and awareness of what we are creating is mandatory.

This means that you must control this energy throughout the month so that it does not control you. Use it in order to get past procrastination and stagnation but don’t get lost on it. There’s also a creative side to this energy that will help you solve problems and plan ahead. But again, diligence and hard work must be at the core of this energy, otherwise you will altogether lose it’s positive push forward by remaining at it’s superficial margins.

Grounding activities can also help you manage all this frenzy. Walks in nature will help enormously as Mother Earth will be actively presiding and regulating this energy so to keep it positive, grounded and prolific. Walk barefoot outside, hike, do gardening, sink your hands or feet into natural soil or sand, hug a tree!

The Empower Yourself Project's October 2017 Tarot Reading

All in all, October’s energy will bring you back to life by making you feel like you are actually here, living, aware of all of life's wonders and power and with an active part on it all! This is a month of dragons and magic as you'll feel like inside of a Game of Thrones episode, pushed into being Daenerys Targaryen, having the power to break chains and even the Wheel itself (i.e. an unhealthy, unfair system).

To take, or not to take, this push forward is all up to you. Maybe you’re not ready yet to move past certain issues and situations. If this is the case, what you can do is to take this train so to change minor things that have been bugging you forever as this months energy will ensure their effective termination. But if you are ready to change major things, within yourself and your life, then this is the right moment as October’s energy will help you take a huge step forward and course correct your current path in a positive way.

Brace yourself! October is coming! And it's coming strong! :)

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